(English below)
Todos los casos de Ansiedad y Ataques de Pánico son diferentes, los síntomas son únicos de cada individuo, sin embargo, en algunos, especialmente los de larga data, se puede desarrollar lo que las personas expresan como: miedo al miedo.
Todos los casos de Ansiedad y Ataques de Pánico son diferentes, los síntomas son únicos de cada individuo, sin embargo, en algunos, especialmente los de larga data, se puede desarrollar lo que las personas expresan como: miedo al miedo.
Llega el punto donde ya sabemos que no vamos a morir, que
los síntomas son solo alarmas, que son reales, pero no verdaderos; pero en este
punto algunos de nosotros ya sabemos lo incómodo y feo que puede ser tener la
sensación del miedo recorriendo todo el cuerpo, manipulando la respiración,
jugando con los pensamientos y puede desarrollarse una aversión a precisamente
esas sensaciones.
Comprendo y entiendo totalmente este miedo al miedo, por
supuesto NADIE quiere sentir todas esas reacciones, o perder el control en un
lugar donde se tiene poca contención o recursos como en un avión, y aquí la
noticia, que la única forma que he encontrado hasta ahora para pasar esta etapa
es rendirse ante este miedo y continuar; así como lo leen, rendirse y
Continuar. Porque es la única manera de que el cerebro
vuelva a reescribir la historia, que haga una nueva asociación en vez de:
Aquella vez me pasó esto y esto y perdí el
Mira qué curioso, nada está pasando esta vez.
Y esto debe ocurrir muchas veces, y entre más seguidas
mejor, pues es el cerebro no dejará ir tan fácilmente aquel difícil episodio, y
no es porque no nos quiera, todo lo contrario, es porque desea protegernos
tanto que lo recuerda vívidamente para que no vuelva a suceder. Así que es
nuestra tarea es mostrarle una y otra vez, que aquello NUNCA se repetirá de
igual manera, nada en esta vida ocurre exactamente igual, pues, aunque volvamos
a experimentar miedo, no somos la misma persona de la primera vez, con trabajo,
hemos ganado más herramientas y experiencia, por lo tanto es imposible que
aquel episodio se repita así como lo recordamos.
El miedo al miedo es normal dentro del camino de los Ataques
de Pánico, es una reacción de supervivencia y de querer seguir en la vida, y
aunque yo sé que estos pasos son simples pero difíciles de ejecutar, traten, y
traten todas las veces. Lleven su miedo de la mano, con todas las sensaciones
que traiga, no lo juzguen, está haciendo lo que puede, lo que sabe hacer; pero
eso sí, les pido que hagan un espacio dentro de toda esa locura momentánea,
para por dentro, tratar de ir todo el trayecto con una sonrisa interna.
All cases of Anxiety and Panic Attacks are different, the symptoms are unique to each individual, however, in some, especially long-standing ones, what people express as fear of fear can develop.
This piece comes where we already know that we are not going to die, that the symptoms are only alarms, that are real, but not true; but at this point some of us already know how awkward and ugly it can be to have the feeling of fear running through your body, manipulating your breath, playing with your thoughts, and an aversion to just those feelings can develop.
I fully understand his fear of fear, of course NO ONE wants to feel all those reactions, or lose control in a place where there is little containment or resources like on an airplane, however, the only way I have found until now to pass this stage is to surrender to this fear and continue; just as you read it, surrender and continue.
Accept fear. This step can be paradoxically very liberating, while resisting will create more tension and as the psychologist Carl Jung said it well “what you resist, persists; And the doctor doesn't say it in a bad way, but because the more we resist, the more power we give it, and the fears, as we already know, are basically smoke screens, which when crossing, they disappear like a cloud of cotton candy; when we got out the other side we always say: and why did I worry so much? Was this what you feared so much? And yet it takes us every time.
Continue. Because it is the only way for the brain to rewrite history, to make a new association instead of:
- This time this happened to me and this and I lost control
- Look how funny, nothing is happening this time.
And this must happen many times, and the more often the better, because it is the brain that will not let that difficult episode go so easily, and it is not because it does not like us, quite the contrary, it is because it wants to protect us so much that remembers it vividly so that it does not happen again. So it is our task to show it over and over again, that it will NEVER be repeated in the same way, nothing in this life happens exactly the same, because, even if we experience fear again, we are not the same person from the first time, with work, we have gained more tools and experience, therefore it is impossible for that episode to be repeated as we remember it.
Fear of fear is normal within the path of Panic Attacks, it is a reaction of survival and of wanting to continue in life, and although I know that these steps are simple but difficult to execute, try, and try every time. Take your fear hand in hand, with all the feelings it brings, do not judge it, you are doing what you can, what you know how to do; But yes, I ask you to make a space within all that momentary madness, go inside, ang try to go the whole way with an internal smile.
This piece comes where we already know that we are not going to die, that the symptoms are only alarms, that are real, but not true; but at this point some of us already know how awkward and ugly it can be to have the feeling of fear running through your body, manipulating your breath, playing with your thoughts, and an aversion to just those feelings can develop.
I fully understand his fear of fear, of course NO ONE wants to feel all those reactions, or lose control in a place where there is little containment or resources like on an airplane, however, the only way I have found until now to pass this stage is to surrender to this fear and continue; just as you read it, surrender and continue.
Accept fear. This step can be paradoxically very liberating, while resisting will create more tension and as the psychologist Carl Jung said it well “what you resist, persists; And the doctor doesn't say it in a bad way, but because the more we resist, the more power we give it, and the fears, as we already know, are basically smoke screens, which when crossing, they disappear like a cloud of cotton candy; when we got out the other side we always say: and why did I worry so much? Was this what you feared so much? And yet it takes us every time.
Continue. Because it is the only way for the brain to rewrite history, to make a new association instead of:
- This time this happened to me and this and I lost control
- Look how funny, nothing is happening this time.
And this must happen many times, and the more often the better, because it is the brain that will not let that difficult episode go so easily, and it is not because it does not like us, quite the contrary, it is because it wants to protect us so much that remembers it vividly so that it does not happen again. So it is our task to show it over and over again, that it will NEVER be repeated in the same way, nothing in this life happens exactly the same, because, even if we experience fear again, we are not the same person from the first time, with work, we have gained more tools and experience, therefore it is impossible for that episode to be repeated as we remember it.
Fear of fear is normal within the path of Panic Attacks, it is a reaction of survival and of wanting to continue in life, and although I know that these steps are simple but difficult to execute, try, and try every time. Take your fear hand in hand, with all the feelings it brings, do not judge it, you are doing what you can, what you know how to do; But yes, I ask you to make a space within all that momentary madness, go inside, ang try to go the whole way with an internal smile.