(English below)
Esta etapa de mi vida la llamo: hacer lo que hace mi corazón cantar.
Esta etapa de mi vida la llamo: hacer
Cuando estaba pequeña soñaba con tantas cosas, me encantaba
todo lo que tuviera que ver con arte: cantar, bailar, actuar; y yo me veía de
grande siendo una conocida artista, con conciertos y películas.
Pero uno crece, y de repente se da cuenta que nadie “me
descubrió” cuando iba caminando por el mall, o que mis pies no son los
correctos para bailar y las lesiones ya son bastantes; y el sueño comienza
lentamente a morir. Sin embargo, el tiempo que lo hice fue de las épocas más
bonitas de mi vida, de las que recuerdo haber pasado más alegrías a pesar de
los dolores musculares y el cansancio.
Cuando tuve que dejar el arte fue cuando tuve que irme a la
ciudad a estudiar, coincidentemente fue la época en la que también comenzaron
mis ataques de pánico, ahora, no puedo decir que esa fue la causa, hubo muchas
razones por las que mi ansiedad estalló, pero sin duda haber dejado de hacer
ejercicio y dejar algo que tanto me llenaba no ayudó en esa dura transición que
Más de una década después, todavía soñaba con los
entrenamientos, las coreografías y los nervios con todas mis compañeras antes
de subir al escenario. Eran casi sueños recurrentes podría decirse. Como una
parte de mí que todavía quería vivir ese mundo.
Este año tuve la oportunidad de volver, y no sólo volver al
arte, sino con las mismas compañeras, con la misma maestra y con todas las
partes de mi cuerpo funcionando, pies malos y todo. Qué increíble! A pesar de
que ha pasado tanto tiempo y me cuesta hacer ciertas cosas, el cuerpo y la
mente recuerdan, es como cuando se aprende a andar en bicicleta. Pero más allá
de los movimientos, es la sensación de estar ahí, escuchar la música y moverse
con ella. Es como que la vida regresa, como que el corazón vuelve a latir.
Para cada uno de nosotros es algo diferente, cada quien
tiene algo que apasiona y hasta pueden ser varias cosas; hay gente que le
apasiona cocinar, otra que le encanta aprender, otros que nos gusta servir a
los demás a través de terapia, habrá gente que se siente inspirado con los
carros, o construyendo, armando legos, qué se yo. Para mí pasión es todo lo que
nos distraiga del pasado o el futuro y nos mantenga en el momento presente,
todo lo que podamos hacer sin recibir una paga y por horas casi sin parar, eso
que nos lleve a hacer sacrificios porque para nosotros vale la pena. Eso es
pasión para mí.
Si cada uno de nosotros pudiera dedicar un poco de su tiempo
para hacer algo que le apasiona, o mejor aún, convertir una pasión en una forma
de vida, en un oficio…ahhh esa es vida!
En el momento que encuentren y practiquen eso que hace su
corazón “cantar”, el miedo, la tristeza y el enojo ya no tendrán espacio, por
lo menos en ese instante, porque estarán en armonía con algo que aman, con el
momento presente, y en el presente no hay muerte, solo vida.
This stage of my life I call it: doing what makes my heart sing.
When I was little I dreamed of so many things, I loved everything that had to do with art: singing, dancing, acting; and I saw myself growing up being a well-known artist, with concerts and movies.
But one grows up, and suddenly realizes that nobody "discovered" me when I was walking through the mall, or that my feet are not correct for dancing and the injuries are many; and the dream slowly begins to die. However, the time I did it was one of the most beautiful times of my life, of which I remember having spent more joys despite muscle aches and tiredness.
When I had to leave the art was when I had to go to the city to study, coincidentally it was the time when my panic attacks also began, now, I can't say that was the cause, there were many reasons why my anxiety exploded, but without a doubt having stopped exercising and leaving something that filled me so much did not help in that hard transition I went through.
More than a decade later, I still dreamed of training, choreographies and nervousness with all my colleagues before going on stage. They were almost recurring dreams one might say. As if a part of me still wanted to live that world.
This year I had the opportunity to return, and not only return to art, but with the same colleagues, with the same teacher and with all the parts of my body working, bad feet and everything. Great! Even though so much time has passed and I find it hard to do certain things, my body and mind remember, it's like when you learn to ride a bicycle. But beyond the movements, it is the feeling of being there, listening to the music and moving with it. It is like life returns, like the heart beats again.
For each one of us it is something different, each one has something that we're passionate about and can even be various things; There are people who are passionate about cooking, others who love to learn, others who like to serve others through therapy, there will be people who feel inspired by cars, or building, assembling legos... For me passion is everything that distracts us from the past or the future and keeps us in the present moment, everything we can do without receiving pay and for hours almost non-stop, that which leads us to make sacrifices because for us it is worth pain. That is passion for me.
If each one of us could dedicate a little of time to do something that we're is passionate about, or better yet, turn a passion into a way of life, into a profession… ahhh that's life!
The moment you find and practice that makes your heart "sing", fear, sadness and anger will no longer have space, at least at that moment, because they will be in harmony with something they love, with the present moment, and in the present there is no death, only life.
When I was little I dreamed of so many things, I loved everything that had to do with art: singing, dancing, acting; and I saw myself growing up being a well-known artist, with concerts and movies.
But one grows up, and suddenly realizes that nobody "discovered" me when I was walking through the mall, or that my feet are not correct for dancing and the injuries are many; and the dream slowly begins to die. However, the time I did it was one of the most beautiful times of my life, of which I remember having spent more joys despite muscle aches and tiredness.
When I had to leave the art was when I had to go to the city to study, coincidentally it was the time when my panic attacks also began, now, I can't say that was the cause, there were many reasons why my anxiety exploded, but without a doubt having stopped exercising and leaving something that filled me so much did not help in that hard transition I went through.
More than a decade later, I still dreamed of training, choreographies and nervousness with all my colleagues before going on stage. They were almost recurring dreams one might say. As if a part of me still wanted to live that world.
This year I had the opportunity to return, and not only return to art, but with the same colleagues, with the same teacher and with all the parts of my body working, bad feet and everything. Great! Even though so much time has passed and I find it hard to do certain things, my body and mind remember, it's like when you learn to ride a bicycle. But beyond the movements, it is the feeling of being there, listening to the music and moving with it. It is like life returns, like the heart beats again.
For each one of us it is something different, each one has something that we're passionate about and can even be various things; There are people who are passionate about cooking, others who love to learn, others who like to serve others through therapy, there will be people who feel inspired by cars, or building, assembling legos... For me passion is everything that distracts us from the past or the future and keeps us in the present moment, everything we can do without receiving pay and for hours almost non-stop, that which leads us to make sacrifices because for us it is worth pain. That is passion for me.
If each one of us could dedicate a little of time to do something that we're is passionate about, or better yet, turn a passion into a way of life, into a profession… ahhh that's life!
The moment you find and practice that makes your heart "sing", fear, sadness and anger will no longer have space, at least at that moment, because they will be in harmony with something they love, with the present moment, and in the present there is no death, only life.
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